About the Practice Log

This practice log can really help you progress in your harp practicing. It allows you to set a goal and watch as you are able to accomplish it by practicing small chunks of a song at a time.

How to use it:

  1. Print out the PDF
  2. Choose a song that you want to work on
  3. Set yourself a goal you want to achieve
  4. Decide which sections/chunks to work on, and pick a speed and number of repeats
  5. Tick off each section as you go and see real progress in your playing!

Hi, I’m Christy-Lyn!

When I first started learning to play the harp at 25 years old I thought I was ‘too old’ to have much success.

But once I started learning to play the harp I progressed so much quicker and further than I ever expected: I was performing within 3 months! 

10 years later I now run Learning the Harp (with my two sisters), creating online courses to teach thousands of adults all around the world to play the harp. 

The result is thorough in-depth video courses that act as practice guides: they take you through learning every note in a way that makes you feel like your own harp teacher is sitting with you. I can’t wait to walk this journey with you as you learn to play the harp from the beginning!

Click below to get your FREE Practice Log