• Cynthia Griffith

    2 March, 2021 at 1:12 am

    Hi there, Rebecca! Christy-Lyn let me know you posted (we’ll all be getting used to how forums we subscribe to come through for notifications)… I can’t help you with this particular issue, but I understand how joints (and pressure points) can cause a lot of pain and also cause limitations. I’m hopeful that if your doctor thinks it will be good for you, it would be a good thing to do and hopefully build up strength and normal movement etc again. I’ve had to give up (or put off, I prefer to call it) things due to pains and pressure points giving me a pain. I hope that you will build up a strength and tolerance that will enable you to figure out how best to re-approach your favorite things again after you and your doctor try to treat this. Like I said, I can’t totally understand your specific situation, but I can understand the frustration of feeling like your body limits you and puts up barriers that holds you back. At least for the moment. Please don’t feel like what hurts or happens now might affect you forever…. it might eventually level out and let you work through things and even improve on them. (I say this as someone who thought she might never again be able to play fiddle, and has re-learned relaxing and not stressing or building tension and can play again with happiness, which I thought might never happen again). That said, anyone else who has actual experience in this situation who could offer advice and tips?